07 4661 1080 warwick@wkuc.org.au

mainly music

All join together for a fun, 30 minute music session then afterwards enjoy snacks, refreshments and play in a relaxed setting. We have parents, grandparents and carers all coming and enjoying the sessions. Friendships are formed, especially between new parents. The children quickly learn the rhythm of the day, the location of different play elements and all enjoy morning tea. Cost $4 per family

Time and place of mainly music in Killarney:

Each Wednesday in school term time, 9:30am at the Killarney Uniting Church Hall

Time and place of meeting in Warwick:

Warwick Sessions:  Each Thursday in school term time.  Session 1: 9:15 to 10:45.

The session includes a toddler friendly morning tea for the children and home baked slices with a cuppa for the parents and families.

Latest News

Resuming for the last school term 2019.  See you Wednesday 9th October in Killarney and Thursday 10th October in Warwick.

Contact Killarney mainly music

10 + 3 =

Contact Warwick mainly music

12 + 6 =

New Softfall play area

Check out our softfall play area in Warwick (thanking our Southern Downs Council for  a grant towards the cost):